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Hidden dangers of free logo generators

You’re a startup with big dreams but a small budget. Spending big fills you with dread. But if there’s ever a time to tighten those purse strings, now is not it.

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Let’s be clear. No logo generator is actually ‘free’. You sign up, use their generator to preview your new logo, and then you have to pay. Pretty disingenuous no? At least if you commission a half-decent designer you get clarity and communication from the off. They won’t lure you in under false pretences and unexpectedly whack you with hidden costs.

It’s another way the industry is being killed. People will try anything to make a buck, even if it means undercutting a market that sustains millions of young and talented creative people. Even if it made good business sense for you to use one of these ‘services’ – which it doesn’t – it’s unethical.

Generator starts with the letters Gener. Know what other word starts like that? Generic.

These low-quality logos say nothing about your business. In fact, they are more likely to carry a negative message about your company than a positive one. There’s also the small matter of 32-thousand other small companies having the exact same logo as you. How could a company possible stand out in a crowded marketplace with the exact same logo as everyone else? You need a strong and individual identity.

At best a Generated logo is a placeholder.

But there’s a huge danger in having a placeholder logo: building a brand is about creating relationships with people. Say your business does really well despite your hideous logo. Changing the logo of your now established business is going to hurt. Big time. It will cost a lot more in lost business down-the-line if you decide to cheap out now. If you’re serious about your start-up, do it properly. In business only the serious and committed prosper.

Commissioning a logo the right way is worth every cent. You get to be involved in the design process. Your input shapes style, colours, attitude and typography. Your logo represents your business. Watch it grow. It’s beautiful. The feeling you get when your fresh-off-the-mint custom logo is delivered is special. Your creative input has ensured a completely unique design. A logo that’s memorable and that communicates the essence of your brand at a glance. If you need a logo, do it properly. Invest in an eye-catching and original design. Be memorable, be unique, be you.